AHOY Youth Services Center
Family Resource Representative
Volunteer Opportunities
- Accelerated Reader Parties
- Book Fair
- Bulletin Boards
- Career Breakfasts
- Career Speakers
- KPREP Testing / Explorer
- Dances
- Eighth Grade Dance Committee
- Field Day
- Field Trips
- 4 H Field Trip
- Fundraiser Rewards
- Hip Hop on the Lawn
- Job shadowing
- Kappa Squat
- KYA Field Trip
- Tiger Leadership
- Newsletter Assistance
- Parent Involvement Committee
- LBL Field Trip / 8th Grade
- Pride Snack
- Pride Break
- Scribe and Readers for Daily
- Activities
- Year End PRIDE Trip
- 6th grade readers
- Candy Ghrams
- Picture Day
- Teacher Assistance
Always Helping Our Youth ,Youth Services Center(AHOY YSC) and all other Family Resource and Youth Services centers were created as part of the Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA) of 1990. The primary goal of FRYSC is to help remove no cognitive barriers to students' learning. AHOY is a stepping stone to assist families and students in overcoming challenges by providing direct services or linking those in need with community resources.
AHOY coordinates various programs through the year for students. The programs fall under the following action components: Health and Social Services, Family Crisis / Mental Health, Career Exploration, Substance Abuse, and Educational Support.
The Center is staffed with a full time Coordinator. Hours of operation are 7:30 AM -- 3:20 PM and appointments as necessary Monday through Friday. All students and their families are encouraged to stop by the center, which is located in room 110, across from the Nurse’s office, to voice any concerns or just to visit.
** You may call, 270-887-7133 (Family Resource) or email: william.owen@christian.kyschools.us
AHOY coordinates various programs through the year for students. The programs fall under the following action components: Health and Social Services, Family Crisis / Mental Health, Career Exploration, Substance Abuse, and Educational Support.
The Center is staffed with a full time Coordinator. Hours of operation are 7:30 AM -- 3:20 PM and appointments as necessary Monday through Friday. All students and their families are encouraged to stop by the center, which is located in room 110, across from the Nurse’s office, to voice any concerns or just to visit.
** You may call, 270-887-7133 (Family Resource) or email: william.owen@christian.kyschools.us