

Tamara Green (Guidance Secetary)


Emily Abbott (6th/7th Grade Guidance Counselor)


Nathan Borntrager (7th/8th Grade Guidance Counselor)



Welcome to Hopkinsville Middle School.  We are glad you are here.  Feel free to contact us if you need any help.    Feel free to print out the registration documents and have them ready when you come to registration (under Forms above).  


The following grading scale will be used and numerical grades will appear on the report card for all subjects:

A -------------------------     90-100
B -------------------------     80-89
C -------------------------     70-79
D -------------------------     60-69
F -------------------------     59 and below

 HMS has an effective guidance program that is designed to focus on the unique needs of each student. The counselors work with students, parents, and community personnel to help each student resolve any problem that he or she may have.   Additionally, there are specific duties that counselors have that may be of help to students during their stay at the middle school. Some of these are:                             

              1. Helping students when entering or withdrawing from school.

              2. Scheduling parent-teacher conferences.

              3. Getting assignments for students who have been absent for three or more days.

              4. Administering and interpreting tests.

              5. Assisting and consulting with parents, teachers, and other school staff in understanding and meeting the needs of the middle school student.

              6. Counseling students.

Computer report cards will be issued and may be retained by the parent. If a conference is requested, parents should contact Guidance to set up an appointment with teachers @ (270) 887-7132 or email:

A student’s records will be sent to a school upon request. This includes all special education records, with a 24 hour written notice. CCPS does not have fax machines so all requests need to be sent via email.

To guidance –


Proof of Residency
Parents or guardians may prove residency by providing:
A.   One (1) of the following:
1.     Homestead Exemption Card – reflecting Homestead Exemption within Christian County (considered family’s primary residence)
2.     Property Tax Notice (may require additional verification)
3. Home Purchase Contract in Christian County specified closing date, with a copy of the deed to be provided within sixty (60) days of closing date
4. Copy of a Manifestation of Domicile filed by the parent (obtained at the Christian Courthouse/the Clerk of Courts Office)
5. A current rental or lease agreement
A.   Two (2) of the following:
1.     A current statement documenting government assistance.
2.     A current Kentucky driver license
3.     Automobile insurance (last two (2) statements)
4.     A current electric billing statement with the portion showing name and service address
5.     A current water bill, cable bill, or landline phone bill (last two (2) statements)